15 April 2010


I took the first step.

My tuition teacher has finish teaching everything, next week start practising on exam papers. This means it is closer to o levels already.

I was quite unlucky. I sent my essay to my teacher's email, but she didn't receive. So I told her I will send again when I get home. But my computer seemed to be corrupted. The next day I told her my com break down, in the end I have to write out the whole essay again. Don't intend to repair it, endure the next 6/7 months and I can get a laptop. I know it sounds unfair to me, because younger brother, who don't need a laptop, brought it 2 months ago. My parents brought for him. I don't care lah, used to it. Who cares anyway.

It is a good thing without own com:
no com=no fb, no msn, no blogging.
So I am deciding if I should make this blog extinct.

My chinese prelim oral ended just now. The conversation is about foreigners think that singapore build IR is a bad thing, what are disadvantages. I bsed. Then she asked what can singapore do to prevent those disadvantages. I simply say the main point is building the IR can cause impacts, so singapore should just don't build it (!) she laughed @ me, Lol.

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